This blend of oils works to clear the air. In a diffuser, your air passages will open and your head will clear. You will sleep better. If you feel something coming on, it will colds and flus away. It can also be used for inhillation from a personal inhaler. This blend is similar to the famous Thieves Oil Blend.
During the Bubonic Plague of the 15th Century, legend has it there were four French brothers who had been spice traders and merchants. Because of the devastation of the disease, when people stayed locked up in their houses, these Frenchmen lost their livelihoods and turned to robbing the homes and graves of the dead. They virtually drenched themselves in a secret blend of spices and infused vinegars. Despite exposing themselves to the Plague, these thieves never got sick.
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Song of Solomon 1:3
" Your anointing oils are fragrant, your name is perfume poured out; therefore the maidens love you."
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