Our Vision
Far beyond aromatherapy, there are many different types of therapies and methodologies which utilize essential oils and the framework of aromatherapy.
While we recognize that the information below is somewhat sophomoric, it's easy to go into "information overload." We simply want to take the time to identify the main disciplines which have helped to define and refine our overall philosophy.

In Ayurveda, there are five elements which are present in everyone and everything — Fire, Ether, Air, Water and Earth. The combinations of these define the three Dosha types (Vata, Kapha and Pitta) and the effect they have on a person's health. Diet and exercise (typically Yoga) are common ways to achieve balance in Ayurvedic practices.
Theoretically, there are seven metaphysical centers within your body that influence one's mental, physical and emotional well-being. Keeping these energy channels open helps maintain your overall balance. Yoga, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi are great Zen activities to keep our energetic systems working properly.

While we are not dieticians, we hope to influence positive food choices which keep your physical body healthier and minimize inflammation. Inflammation is your body's way of letting you know it is in distress. We simply must learn to listen to it and head the warnings. At this point, it feels redundant to say, but: exercise, eat healthy and get plenty of sleep.​
These two plant-lover categories are not the same. However, did you know that many of today's medications are chemical copycats of plant medicine? Hippocrates, recognized as the Father of Medicine, gives us some of the first truly meaningful studies of the effects of plant medicines on the body and mind, as well as his famous patient-care credo, "First, do no harm." This is the same philosophy followed by aromatherapists.
Whether you subscribe to the power of Om, or the power of prayer, there is no substitute for the peace meditation can bring. It is known to calm one's mind, improve sleep, reduce blood pressure, stress, pain and anxiety.​ Interestingly, Om (the hum made during meditation) is generated from vibrations in the back of the throat, and some Yogis agree Om is God in this specific sound.
One might assume reflexology and tapping are completely unrelated disciplines. However, both techniques fall under the category of acupressure. In reflexology, the meridians of the body can be mapped on the bottom of our feet as defined by Chinese medicine. Tapping requires applied pressures to specific meridians which affect the amygdala center of the brain, calming reactive emotions such as fight-or-flight.
This practice is more than just opening your mouth and saying "ah" with a tongue depressor stuck down your throat. The tongue can be a good messenger of what might be going on in your body. Because we are all about identifying and minimizing inflammation and imbalances, we will soon be adding this tool to our repertoire.
Monastic singing bowls, wind chimes, the soft beat of a tribal drum with a corresponding chant ... these are all intended to create a sense of peace, rhythm and harmonious balance through vibration. We each have the power to increase our level of vibration to improve our mental and physical states.