Chakras & Chakra Balancers
Anyone with yoga exposure, is aware of their chakras. While we're not trained in this discipline, we understand the benefits of essential oils to balance the psyche and the physical body.
Once you have determined which one(s) could use some assistance, please browse our Chakra Balancing blends. Meanwhile, you can listen to Sounds for the Seven Chakras. a recording designed to balance chakras.
If you'd like to read more information about chakras, we like Mind Valley as a good Resource Site.

Root Chakra (1st chakra)
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Location: Tailbone (base of spine)
Aspect: Confidence
Attributes: Centered, grounded, basic instinct, survival
Ruling Zodiacs: Capricorn & Aquarius
Glands: Adrenal
Organs: Spine, bladder, blood, kidneys, male reproductive
organs, vagina, legs, feet
Sense: Smell

Sacral Chakra (2nd chakra)
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Location: Lower abdomen (1-2” below navel)
Aspect: Enthusiasm
Attributes: Friendly, passionate, playful, sexually fulfilled
Ruling Zodiacs: Aries & Scorpio
Glands: Adrenal, reproductive
Organs: Lymphatic & circulatory systems, kidneys, skin,
female and reproductive organs
Sense: Taste

Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd chakra)
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Location: Between sternum & navel
Aspect: Growth
Attributes: Integrity, willpower, self-motivation
Ruling Zodiac: Sagitarius
Glands: Adrenal
Organs: Nervous system, digestive system, gall bladder,
large intestines, liver, pancreas
Sense: Sight

Heart Chakra (4th chakra)
Color: Green
Element: Air
Location: Heart of the chest
Aspect: Joy
Attributes: Self-love, caring, compassion, kindness
Ruling Zodiacs: Taurus & Libra
Glands: Thymus
Organs: Heart, circulatory & respiratory systems, arms,
hands, shoulders, ribs, breasts, diaphragm
Sense: Touch

Throat Chakra (5th chakra)
Color: Turquoise
Element: Ether
Location: Base of throat
Aspect: Truth
Attributes: Self-expression, speaking your truth
Ruling Zodiacs: Gemini & Virgo
Glands: Thyroid
Organs: Larynx, ears, nose, teeth, mouth, throat,
carotid arteries
Sense: Hearing

Third Eye Chakra (6th chakra)
Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Location: Forehead (between the eyes)
Aspect: Intuition
Attributes: Psychic ability, inspiration, rational thought
Ruling Zodiac: Cancer
Glands: Pineal
Organs: Eyes, nose, ears, skeletal
Sense: Sixth

Crown Chakra (7th chakra)
Color: Purple
Element: None (It is pure life energy)
Location: Top of head
Aspect: Knowledge
Attributes: Bliss, spirituality
Ruling Zodiacs: Leo, Aquarius, Libra
Glands: Pituitary
Organs: Brain, nervous system
Sense: None. (Cosmic awareness)
Blessings for the new balanced you!

"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
Ralph Waldo Emerson