Reflexology and Tapping

Feet are the foundation of our body. It's difficult to have 'a firm leg to stand on' without one. However, putting one foot in front of the other is only one step in our journey. And so, for the road less traveled, we look to reflexology. (It's been said laughter is the best medicine.)
Buddha said, "The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground." Which is a really good reason to take better care of them! Have you ever seen the bottoms of barefoot feet? But, scrubs, soaks, and liniments only address the outer layers.
The basic reflexology chart above shows the location of critical meridian points. You can use this reference for oils application, if it is suggested in your treatment plan.
Read more about reflexology from Healthline.
Finally, in the immortal words of Teddy Roosevelt, "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground" (because we just couldn't resist one more).

Tapping (also known as EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique), is literally tapping with your fingertips over meridians (acupressure points) of the body. Beyond the effects this technique has on the brain, the theory is that tapping stimulates these meridians to improve the flow of energy which leads to healing. Meditative phrases are combined for the most effective results.
This technique has been approved by the Veterans Administration for pain management and PTSD.
Watch either of these YouTube videos for demonstration and instruction.

"Happiness is a perfume which you cannot pour onto someone without getting some on yourself."
Ralph Waldo Emerson